Contact arjunagovinda@icloud.com
‘Journey’ (Reflections on 5 Years of Facilitating Men’s Groups’) is available from Amazon as print on demand. (Link here) eBook version available.
Arjuna may be available for assisting in helping setup and facilitate Circles in your town. Contact re availability and costs involved.
For quality of support and personal experience, participation numbers are limited to 10 per Circle.
Greg ‘Arjuna’ Govinda
“The healing of a man begins the day he can begin to be honest with himself, the day he can acknowledge how much his life is driven by fear, when he can beat back the shame that then threatens to engulf him.” ~ James Hollis
“The first step toward healing is perhaps the hardest. Men must stop lying to themselves, and by extension each other, and they must permit their unhappiness to become conscious. They must admit that, perhaps for all the best intentions, their lives are wrong, and that from this point on it is their responsibility to change.” ~ James Hollis
from ‘Under Saturn’s Shadow : the wounding and healing of men’
“Out beyond the ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.” ~ Rumi