The New Manhood
by Steve Biddulph

For an excellent general start to reading about Men’s psychological help – I found Steve Biddulph’s book ‘The New Manhood’ incredibly helpful and easy to read.

I found it helped me to understand some of the possible reasons behind why men suffer and new ways to look at living a more fulfilled life. A very good start I believe.

(link here to Steve’s website)

Understanding the Mid-life Crisis
by Peter O’Connor

Perhaps this book is for AFTER you have read Steve Biddulph’s book. OConner’s book looks at how men, when they get to around mid-life, try to resist the awakening of deeper aspects of themselves, and instead, revert back to early behaviours. Rather than accept and integrate change in life, and allow the necessary transitions of inner growth, men find it easier to simply behave more like they did when they were teenagers. Trying to seek refuge in being “more” man-like instead of opening to their more sensitive aspects. I highly enjoyed this Jungian view of the challenges men face in mid-life.

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette

One of my favourite paths of study is in Jungian, Depth Psychology (Carl Gustav Jung). This book has been a joy to read. It focuses on four archetypes that, when considered in their mature aspects, can give helpful guidance in where a man’s strengths may be enhanced.

When a man focuses on giving, helping and serving the common good, his life takes on a whole new meaning, purpose and fulfilment.

Iron John
by Robert Bly.

A fascinating mix of history and mythology.

An excellent read.

One of the classics.

Owning Your Own Shadow
by Robert A Johnson

Johnson has written many books, some of my favourites, from a Jungian perspective. Often complex in looking at human psychology using Greek mythological stories to do so. This book is quite straight forward in understanding how we have both conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche and how we need to be as conscious as we may as to what we do with our unconscious projections – and how to connect with the wholeness of who we are.

The Way of the Superior Man
by David Deida

Half-way through this book but finding it very interesting, down to earth ideas of living a fulfilled life. David Deida encourages being authentic to your masculinity and gives some helpful understanding of the masculine-feminine relationships.

The Middle Passage
by James Hollis

If you enjoy Jungian psychology you may enjoy this. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was something vey easy to read in contemplating the mid-life challenge and blessings. I found many ideas and quotes that I had to share in the Men’s Group each week, to stimulate thinking about how better to open to the fullness of life, especially in the Midlife passage.

A Circle of Men
by Bill Kauth
A book that has been around for a long time. An excellent resource if you are contemplating setting up a men’s support circle. It includes the history of the recent men’s support group work and gives many excellent ideas on what to try out in your group. Includes plans for what you could include in the first 8 meetings as well as how to deal with possible challenges to the smooth flow of the work.

Talking With Our Brothers
by George M. Taylor

A book I recently found in a 2nd hand bookshop (so many good books on Men’s Health in 2nd hand bookshops)

An excellent book on understanding Men’s Health in relation to working together in groups.

I found it to be a fantastic resource for understanding the dynamics of Men’s Groups and what to do in setting one up.

Being Male : seeking peace
by Greg ‘Arjuna’ Govinda

Just in case you missed it – my own book on why men suffer and what they might do about it.

Offered here for free as a resource, ideally of some help, to help other men to find their way.

image by Jeremy Perkins

Link here to free eBook

If you are interested in Joining a Men’s Group or in having Greg Govinda facilitate or help with setting up a group – email here

Under Saturn’s Shadow – the wounding and healing of men
by James Hollis

Possibly a complex read but one I have enjoyed thoroughly.

Hollis is a Jungian psychologist who weaves fascinating contemplations on the male condition.

by Greg ‘Arjuna’ Govinda

Journey is a story of personal experience in facilitating Men’s support Groups over 5 years.
The highs and lows as well as practical exercises.
Reflections and Contemplations on how to find common ground with men by meeting in a Circle.
An experiment in meeting, caring, listening and being heard.

Towards healing and growth.