Speaking Engagements

In the past I have given talks on Men’s Health and Wellbeing and the value of Men’s Circles. These events include the Men’s Shed in Ballarat East, the Ballarat Radio station and by invitation of Central Highlands Rural Health to speak at Creswick Men’s Friendship Group.

On every occasion I am honoured to share of my experience on facilitating Men’s Circles and how I see the benefits of simply sitting in a Circle and speaking openly and honestly about ones feelings, concerns and hopes in life. There is a great power in getting in contact with who you are in truth and getting the support of other good-hearted men to do just that.

Hepburn Shire Men’s Health Gathering 

A link here to the Talk I gave to Radio station 99.9 FM ~ Men’s Circle now in its fourth year.

A link to the talk given at Ballarat East Men’s Shed is here on YouTube.