Whether you wear a suit, uniform, overhauls or a tutu – Daylesford Men’s Group is a group for men who wish to speak openly and honestly with other men – about issues important to you – and get the group support.
Whether you are looking for help to lighten your load – clarify your thoughts – identify issues – or just enjoy the company of other good men … Daylesford Men’s Group helps you to explore what is going on in your life and connect with how you might create a better life.
Men’s Group is about connecting to who you are in truth while enjoying the camaraderie and support of other good-hearted men. Nothing is expected of you other than you be yourself, speak your mind and be present to what the other men want to share.
The main principles we work with are : respect for self, others and the group process and take personal responsibility for what you create in life. We also ask that you support the building of an environment of trust.
Daylesford Men’s support Circle provides a rare opportunity to get to be your true self in an open and honest, safe and supportive group.
Be part of a healing process. Speak your mind; get things off your chest; take the weight off your shoulders. Share whatever you want to talk about and be heard. Explore what is holding you back and how you might go forward. Learn to identify and follow what is in your heart. For a greater sense of inner peace and creating a better life.
This group has been running now for five years. Here are just some of what the men have shared who have been attending the group regularly.
“Connection, honesty, understanding, authentic listening and friendships.” (A. G., Daylesford)
“I like the natural flow and respect of the group in any conversations and interaction. … Using the talking stick shows respect and allows the person to speak and express themselves.” (B. M., Porcupine Ridge)
“This group has brought me closer to accepting who I really am … I enjoy the sharing of everyone.” (P. L., Basalt.)
“The long lost male interaction. … open communication from men with very different paths with very similar views. … Look forward to where this will go.” (S. H., Porcupine Ridge.)
“Helping me grow and I am very thankful. … I never know what to expect and that’s why I love it.” (T. G. A., Shepherds Flat)
“I can be myself at any place I am at in my life. I have made great friends in the group and outside the group and feel accepted by all the men as my friends.” (D.J. Daylesford)
“I got empowerment and a stronger connection between my inner male and female side.” (N. M., Denver)
“I have really enjoyed attending the Men’s Group both from personal perspective as a man meeting other men and being able to share experience in a respectful space. … I think Greg has a good balance of structure and allowing things to happen organically. … I like Greg’s consistency with the principles in running the group. … I like the way he pulls from his own vast knowledge during the sessions as this gives an added inspiration to the sessions and keeps potential for growth happening.” (K.D. Stawell.)
“The connection and communication … has been remarkable. My life has changed dramatically and fantastically.” (PJL. Porcupine Ridge)
Daylesford Men’s support Circle is facilitated by Greg Govinda (aka Arjuna) and Greg is available for running or helping to start up a Men’s Group in your town.
Maximum number of participants is 11.
Minimum age is 18.
Contact details :
Greg Govinda (B.Ed)
Email : arjunagovinda@icloud.com