Being Male

Image by Jeremy Perkins

What is a man?

What is it to be male?

Who are you at the core of your being?

What limits you?

What brings you to life?

What are your values?

Do they need updating?

Are your present beliefs still right for you?

Do they give you a feeling of upliftment – or do they limit you in a way that lessens your life experience?

What is in your heart?

What dreams do you hold for a better, more fulfilling life?

What choices – do you – need to make – to begin to create these hopes and dreams?

Do you know your true self?

Do you have purpose?

Is there something you have always dreamed of doing but never got around to?

At ‘A Men’s Group’ you will get the support that can help activate you to a more creative and fulfilled life.

Learn to relax deeply.

Explore various themes of what both limits and liberates you as a man.

At ‘A Men’s Group’ we listen – and give honest feedback if asked.

You can just share and be heard, and listen and give support to others.

No pressure is put upon you other than what is inside you that wants to be shared – and the support that is felt once you do.

You are also welcome to just be present and aware of what is happening inside of you while others share. Get to know yourself in the company of other men who are on a similar journey.

Inner Work 4 Men’ aims to help you understand and feel where you are at, and how to move forward. To honour the past, savour the present, and envision and create a heart-felt future.

Enjoy the camaraderie of other men in a safe and supportive group environment.

Greg Govinda is also available for one-to-one counselling sessions. Walk and talk. Sit and share. Identify what matters to you, and where to go next.

(c) 2018. Greg Govinda (Arjuna)